How to find Real-Time Fake & Counterfeit Identification for Branded products

It affects all industries, including the Technological industry. Counterfeit goods are a multi-billion dollar industry that affect not only the brand, but also the economy and people’s lives. Counterfeit products in this day and age are getting harder to spot and it is difficult to identify them as real or fake. Counterfeit products are becoming more and more of a problem in the marketplace. The counterfeit products market is worth a staggering $1.7 trillion, with apparel and accessories being the most counterfeited items.

Counterfeiting is not only an issue for the manufacturers of these branded products, but also for consumers who unknowingly purchase fake goods that can sometimes be dangerous to their health.

This article discusses how to find real-time fake & counterfeit identification for branded products: expectations vs. reality.

Counterfeit goods have been around for centuries, but the advent of the internet has made it easier than ever to purchase these items.

The following are some of the most common ways that people buy counterfeit products online:

– You find a product that you like and you order it online. The seller sends you a fake or counterfeit product because they are cheaper to make than the real thing and they know that you will be unlikely to report them.

– You find a website that offers a cheaper version of your favorite product, but when it arrives at your house, it’s not what was advertised. The website is selling counterfeit goods, which are cheaper because they don’t have any of the same quality standards as real products.

– You go on social media and see an advertisement for a popular brand’s

In this section, we will be exploring how to find real-time fake & counterfeit identification for branded products.

The biggest driver of profitably for trademark pirates lies in the B2B trading of branded goods especially at wholesalers. They taste more success in industries that have relatively inconspicuous items, such as electronics equipment, auto parts and toiletries. Still there are tough questions that need to be solved to make it harder for counterfeiting operators make their money – like

Use cases

Epson Ink sold in flipkart

  • Is a new printer really Epson Ink worthy?
  • We are going to review the best products and experiences you’ll have while searching for an excellent printer.
  • Earn your best return with research, study, and investment before you commit.
  • Try choosing these high-performing Epson Ink products based on customer experience ratings.

As we know, people are so deeply familiar with the Epson Ink, it has been seen in school, hospitals, and even military textiles.

For daily use, the ink could definitely help you win a lot of money. Without the necessary knowledge of how to distinguish the original ink and fake ink or how to differentiate between authentic goods and forged ones will involve risks. For such users as us it’d be much better to devote some time to understand its detailed features carefully.

People may not even know they’ve been duped until it’s too late. Counterfeiters are using the Epson Ink to produce fake goods with the same consistencies, this includes bottles with packaging that looks like the original company. Counterfeiters use watermarks, holograms and ink consistent can fool consumers! Beware of counterfeit goods!

Counterfeiting and brand dilution has become a problem that continues to plague the industry of competitors.

Through trademark infringement amongst other things, consumers are duped into believing they are shopping on authorized retail website.

Fortunately, there are ways to find out if they’re real or not.

Uniqolabel has recently augmented its patent-pending Counterfiet Protection System with immutable DNA registries that cannot be transferred or manipulated.

You can download their app from playstore or Apple store and be sure before buying

Playstore link   Uniqolabel

Apple link Uniqolabel

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